The Farm & Farmer

In the midst of the bustling city, I felt a deep longing for a simpler, more connected life. So, I made the courageous decision to leave behind the concrete jungle and embark on a transformative journey to the serenity of the countryside.

It is here, in Chattahoochee Hills, GA, amidst the rolling hills, that I have found my passion in flower farming. Every day of planning and labor has been a testament to the profound beauty and boundless potential that lies within this community.

Following in the footsteps of my father Richard, a dedicated Hosta grower and nursery owner, my green thumb comes naturally. With his knowledge and experience and my creative edge…the vision has now come to life. And together we created, Native Bloom Flower Farm.

“She considers a field and buys it;
from her profits she plants a vineyard.”

~ Proverbs 31:16

The Flowers

With tenderness and care, I devote myself to the cultivation of exquisite blooms, nurturing them from humble seeds to magnificent displays of natural artistry. It is a deeply humbling experience to witness the transformation of tiny, fragile seedlings into breathtaking flowers that speak to the heart and soul.

I delight in curating an extraordinary tapestry of colors, shapes, and textures, experimenting with unique combinations that reflect the ever-changing seasons. The result is a kaleidoscope of breathtaking floral arrangements that tell stories of love, joy, and the inherent beauty that resides in every stem and petal.

The Philosophy

At the heart of my flower farming philosophy lies a commitment to sustainable and organic practices. I work in harmony with the land, embracing its rhythms and honoring its delicate balance. From selecting heirloom varieties to implementing eco-friendly cultivation techniques, I strive to preserve the integrity of the environment while creating a sanctuary bursting with floral wonders.

By cultivating a diverse range of flowering plants, flower farming creates valuable habitats and food sources for important pollinating species, such as butterflies and honeybees.