specialty blooms. locally grown.

Native Bloom is a small family-run farm in the beautiful Chattahoochee Hills area, just south of Atlanta.

For every season,
for every joy…
there is a bloom to match.

We offer a wide variety of seasonal blooms to match each occasion.

nice to meet you…

I'm Melissa, a dedicated new flower farmer with a deep love for nature. My passion lies in cultivating beautiful blooms and creating stunning bouquets. From Allium to Zinnias, each flower is carefully tended to, creating a vibrant kaleidoscope of colors from my field to your home.

  • "To plant a garden is to dream of tomorrow."

    Audrey Hepburn

  • "Live Simply, Bloom Wildly."


  • "Love is like wildflowers, it's often found in the most unlikely places."

    Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • “A garden to walk in and immensity to dream in--what more could he ask? A few flowers at his feet and above him the stars.”

    Victor Hugo